**You are enrolling in The Intimacy Trifecta Masterclass**

Inside this masterclass you will learn:

- The "INTIMACY TRIFECTA" Method: My 3-part-framework to experiencing real intimacy  within yourself and in your relationship.
- The #1 cause of lack of intimacy in relationships and what to do about it
- The simple yet very effective hack to intimacy that changed my relationship

- The different types of intimacy and what they require from you and your partner

 What's included:
- Invitation to the live masterclass on Tuesday Feb 28th @ 7pm AEDT
Forever Access to the replay of the masterclass
- Transformative journal prompts for future implementation

- Any future updates/additions to the masterclass
 * This purchase is non-refundable *

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Don't miss this amazing offer!

Special one-time offer, only $33!

The "Live By Desire" Masterclass includes: My 5-step-process for creating a life that is free from 'shoulds' and has you excited to wake up each day.
The mindset shifts required to help you BE the woman that claims all of her desires. Action steps that will help you go from stuck, stagnant and people-pleasing to empowered, excited and lit up by life! GET IT TODAY FOR JUST $33! (usually $97)

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Intimacy Trifecta Masterclass$47

All prices in AUD

"I have just finished watching the reply and WOW! what you have covered here is absolute pure gold and I agree with you when you said some of this is deeper knowledge you share in your 1:1 space. After working with you 1:1 for years now it was wonderful to see how you've

developed your teachings into a process, you are genius"- Chantal